
The lab component of the course will cover programming in Haskell. We will be working through most of the Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! book, available online.

Lab instructor: Kenneth Lai

Place and Time: 12-1pm Monday in Shapiro Science Center GL14

Schedule below is extremely tentative. Check regularly for updates. Chapter numbers are from the online version of the Learn You a Haskell book, unless otherwise noted.

09/03 (Tuesday 5-6pm in Volen 119) Intro to Haskell 1/2 Chapter 2.1-2.4
09/09 Intro to Haskell 2/2 Chapter 2.5-2.6, 4.1-4.2
09/16 IO and String Processing Chapter 9.1-9.2, van Eijck and Unger Chapter 3
09/23 Types and Typeclasses 1/2 Chapter 3, 8.1-8.3
10/02 (Wed 4-5pm in Gerstenzang 124) Types and Typeclasses 2/2 Chapter 8.4-8.5, 8.7, 4.3-4.5
10/07 Higher Order Functions Chapter 6
10/15 (Tue 5-6pm in Gerstenzang 124) Functors Chapter 8.9, 11.1
10/22 (Tue 5-6pm in Gerstenzang 122) Applicative Functors Chapter 11.2 Haskell Wikibook on Applicative Functors
10/28 Monads Chapter 12.2, 13.5 Haskell Wikibook on Monads, Category Theory
11/04 More Monads Chapter 12.4-12.6
11/11 Monoids Chapter 11.4 Haskell Wikibook on Foldables
11/18 State Chapter 13.3 Tuan’s State Tutorial, Binder